Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. Hispanic Linguistics
2021. The Graduate Center (CUNY), New York, USA.

Dissertation title: “Discursos institucionales y manuales de texto de la American Association of Teachers of Spanish (1912-1944): un estudio de la historia política de la enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos.”

Advisor: Prof. José del Valle

Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate
2019. The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

M.A. Hispanic Linguistics
March 2018. The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

Interdisciplinary Studies
2007 – 2008. Agnes Scott College, GA.

C.A.P. “Capacitación de Aptitud Pedagógica”
2007. University of Alicante (Alicante), Spain.

English Studies (B.A.)
2006. University of Alicante (Alicante), Spain.


Glotopolitics: Political history and Institutionalization of the Spanish language
Spanish in the US | Spanish Sociolinguistics | Language ideologies | Language and Identity
Second Language Education | Heritage Language Education | Digital Humanities Pedagogy


2021-Present. Assistant Professor of Spanish. Saint Anselm College, NH.

2019-2021. The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) Fellow. The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

Jan. 2015 – July 2017. Research Assistantship at CILC (Center for Integrated Language Communities). The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY. Collaborated on the “Writing Proficiency of Heritage Learners” project developing profiles of the Writing Proficiency of Heritage Language Learners of Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean.


2023. Diversity & Inclusion Innovation Fund. Saint Anselm College, NH.

2021. New Storytelling: The Research Institute in Digital Ethnic Studies. University of Nebraska-Lincon, NE.

2020. Award for Excellence in Teaching. The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

2017-2018. Provost Digital Start-up Innovation Grant. The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

2016-2017. Provost Digital Training Innovation Grant. The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

2016-2017. Doctoral Student Research Grant. The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.


Spring 2019. Pressing Public Issues. The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

Spring 2019. Open Pedagogy Fellowship. Mina Rees Library. The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

2018-2020. HASTAC Scholar. The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

2017-2019. Mellon CUNY Humanities Alliance Graduate Teacher Fellow at LaGuardia Community College. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and CUNY Humanities Alliance Project, NY.

2013 – 2017. Present. Graduate Student Fellowship at the Latin American, Iberian and Latino Cultures Program, The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

Aug. 2007 – May 2008. Fulbright Spanish Teaching Assistantship at Agnes Scott College, GA.


Peer-Reviewed Articles

Vaño García, I. (2023). A Call for Critical and Open Pedagogies in Spanish Heritage Language Instruction: Students as Knowledge Producer of Open Educational Resources (OERs). EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages (E-JournALL), 10 (1), 21-38.

Vañó García, I. (2022). Érase una vez la American Association of Teachers of Spanish (1917-1944): los inicios de la enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos. Revista argentina de historiografía lingüística (RAHL), XIV, 1, 53-72.

Vañó García, I., & Henao L. “Pedagogical Implications of Language Politics in a Multilingual Learning Community.” (Under Review).

Vañó García, I., & Mejías O. “Exploring alternative platforms and digital tools for a more inclusive language education.” Special issue of “Linguistic and cultural education through digital technologies” in Texto Livre. (In Progress).

Vañó García, I. “Polémicas terminológicas: ideologías en la prensa a ambos lados del Atlántico a principios del siglo XX.” (In Progress).

Vañó García, I. “Learning from/with the Spanish Speaking Community of NH: Building an Internship Program for Spanish students.” (In Progress).

Edited Journal Issues

Vañó García, I., Karlin J., & Michael K. Eds. (December, 2022) Introduction to Issue Twenty-One: open Educational Resources. Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP), 21.

Book Reviews

Vañó García, I. (2021). Review of Open education and second language learning and teaching: The rise of a new ecology. Language Learning & Technology, 25(3), 62–65. Access PDF here.

Digital Publications

Vañó Garcia, I. (2020, February 5). “Questioning nuestras practicas lingüísticas.” Visible Pedagogy, Teaching and Learning Center, The Graduate Center (CUNY). .

Vañó Garcia, I. (2019, April 2018). “‘You are not neutral’- Reflections on OER Boot Camp.” The Graduate Center Library & Events. Mina Rees Library, The Graduate Center (CUNY). 

Vañó García, I. (2019, March). “Spanish Teaching Open Education Resources (OER): Opportunities and Challenges.” Building Infrastructure at CUNY. The Graduate Center. (CUNY).

Vañó Garcia, I. (2018, October, 22). “My Journey Toward a Socially Conscious Pedagogy for Language Teaching.” Visible Pedagogy, Teaching and Learning Center, The Graduate Center (CUNY).

Vañó Garcia, I. (2017, December 18). “Getting to Know the CUNY Academic Commons.” Visible Pedagogy, Teaching and Learning Center, The Graduate Center (CUNY).

Vañó García, I. & Lewandowski N. (2017, May 25). “Different fields, Similar Strategies: The Value of Group Work.” Visible Pedagogy, Teaching and Learning Center, The Graduate Center (CUNY).

Graduate Level
Lehman College, CUNY (NY)
Middle & High School Education
Adjunct Lecturer
Second Language Acquisition (Spring 2018)
Project Seminar in Curriculum, Material, and Assessment in Specialized Areas (Spring 2018) Hybrid online capstone course in which students make an online portfolio of various work samples from their coursework in TESOL.
Reading Language Program at The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.
Spanish Translation Instructor (Summer 2015 / Summer 2016). Taught graduate students to read and translate Spanish texts to meet their graduate program language proficiency requirements and achieve their goals for personal and/or professional development.
Undergraduate Level

Saint Anselm College, NH
Modern Languages & Literatures
Assistant Professor

Spanish I (Fall 2021) & Spanish II (Fall 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024)
Spanish IV (Fall 2021 / Spring 2022 /Fall 2022 / Spring 2024)
Spanish Writing Workshop (Fall 2023) 
Advanced Spanish Conversation (Fall 2022)
The Power of Language (Spring 2023)

Lehman College, CUNY (NY)
Modern Languages & Literatures
Adjunct Lecturer
Elementary Spanish for Heritage Speakers II (Fall 2017 / Fall 2020)
Elementary Spanish for Heritage Speakers I (Fall 2016 / Spring2017)
Spanish Composition (Spring 2016) a writing 300 level course to Spanish majors.
Brooklyn College (CUNY), NY
Modern Languages & Literatures
GAB Fellowship / Adjunct Lecturer
Basic Language Skills III Spanish. (Fall 2014 / Spring 2015 /Fall 2015 / Spring 2016)
Basic Language Skills II Spanish (Fall 2016 / Spring 2017)
LaGuardia (CUNY), NY
Education & Lang. Acquisition
Introduction to Language (Spring 2018/Fall 2019/Spring 2019). An introductory course to general linguistics.
F.I.T. (SUNY),  (NY)
Modern Languages & Cultures
Adjunct Lecturer
Spanish I (Fall 2014 / Spring 2015)
Spanish Conversation I (Fall 2015 / Spring 2016)
Fordham University
Modern Languages & Cultures
Adjunct Lecturer
Intermediate Spanish I. (Fall 2015)
University at Buffalo (SUNY), NY
Romance Language & Literatures
Teaching Fellow
Elementary Spanish I (Fall 2012)
Transitional Elementary Spanish I (Spring 2013)
Boston College (NY), USA
Education & Lang. Acquisition
Mellon Graduate Teaching Fellow

Intermediate Spanish I. (Fall 2008 / Fall 2009 /Fall 2010)
Intermediate Spanish II Spanish (Spring 2008 / Spring 2009 / Spring 2010)
Spanish Conversation, Composition, and Reading I (Fall 2010)

CIEE (Council for International Educational Exchange), Spain

Elementary Spanish Teacher (Jan. 2007 – May 2007)

May-June 2023. Digital Humanities Workshop. Workshop led by Jeremy Mikecz, a research data science specialist at Dartmouth College Libraries. Designed to draw faculty research and teaching into new areas, the workshop featured hands-on experience with geospatial and text mining tools as well as theoretical discussion of readings. Saint Anselm College, NH.

Fall 2018/ Spring 2019. Collaborative Curriculum Development – Workshop for Heritage Spanish Courses. This year long workshop consisted of faculty from different colleges to discuss Spanish Heritage Language education at CUNY. Institute for Language Education in Transcultural Context (ILECT), The Graduate Center, (CUNY), NY.

Spring 2018. “The Writing in the Disciplines WID Seminar.” This seminar helps faculty to incorporate the “Writing Across the Curriculum” (WAC) approach in their teaching. The objective of WAC pedagogy is to improve critical thinking through written assignments and improve writing skills. LaGuardia Community College (CUNY), NY.

May 2018. “Integrating Task Based Language Teaching into Language Courses” & “Developing the Writing Proficiency of Spanish Heritage Learners,” at the Community-College-Language Forum organized by the Center for Integrated Language Communities (CILC), The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

June 2017. “Critical Pedagogy and Digital Praxis in the Humanities,” Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) at University of Victoria, British Columbia. Canada.

May/June 2017. ACTFL OPI Familiarization, ACTFL Writing Guidelines Familiarization, and Developing the Writing of Skills of Spanish Heritage Learners. Institute for Language Education in Transcultural Context (ILETC), The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

Oct. 2016. “Project-Based Learning (PBL) Workshop,” by Dr. Julio Rodriguez, Director of the Center for Language & Technology and National Foreign Language Resource Center at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, at the Institute for Language Education in Transcultural Context (ILETC), The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.

June 2016. “Ninth Heritage Language Research Institute. From bilingual children to adult heritage speakers,” The National Heritage Language Resource Center at UCLA, University of Washington, Seattle.

March 2014. “V Jornadas de formación de profesores: español como lengua heredada en el contexto K-12,” Instituto Cervantes, New York City, NY.

March 2011. “Jornadas de formación de profesores centrada en la dimensión afectiva,” Instituto Cervantes, Brown University, RI.

2011. Examiner of Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera (D.E.L.E.). B1, B2, C1 y C2.


Digital Projects Designed & Supervised

Fall 2022-Present. El Hilltop habla. The first Spanish newspaper at Saint Anselm College.

Spring 2022. The Spanish-speaking community in NH. Digital Storytelling project.

Spring 2019. Linguistic Landscapes: Unpacking language hierarchies. Digital Storytelling Project.

2019-2020. Documenting Communities. Focus Inquiry Group (FIG).

2018-2020. Discovering El Barrio. Spanish for heritage speakers.

Workshops Developed & Lead

2020 Teach@CUNY Summer Institute. Developed three asynchronous workshops. Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The Graduate Center, CUNY.

Reframing the Final Paper: Alternative & Creative Assignments

Cultivating Participation & Engagement

A Critical Approach to Non-F2F Language Teaching

2020. “Reframing the Final Paper: Alternative and Creative Assignments.” Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The Graduate Center, CUNY. February 11.

2020. “Teaching Social Justice with the CUNY Academic Commons.” Workshop facilitator with Laurie Hurson. John Jay Faculty Development Day. John Jay College, (CUNY). January 23.

2019. “Questioning our Linguistic Practices.” Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The Graduate Center, CUNY. November 11.

2019. “Incorporating Cultural Content in the Language Classroom.” Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The Graduate Center, CUNY. March 1.

2018. “Participation & Assessment.” Teaching Linguistics Across CUNY Campuses (TLACC), The Graduate Center, CUNY. March 1.


2023 “Transitions to OERs: A Case in Progress.” Invited speaker at the Summer Faculty Institute organized by the Instructional Innovation Center. Saint Anselm College, NH. May, 24.

2022 “Developing and Sustaining Projects in the Public Humanities.” Invited speaker for the Modern Language Association (MLA) Professional Development Webinar Series on Publicly Engaged Scholarship. October 4. Recording available here.

2021 “The role of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish in Shaping a New Academic Field (1917-1944): The Political History of the Teaching of the Spanish Language in the U.S.” Third CUNY Symposium in Glottopolitical Studies: Objectifying and embodying Spanish. October 8. Flyer available here.

2021 “Experimenting with translation: finding spaces to engage with and question our translation practices.” Invited speaker at HSS4 – Translation course by Professor Avra Spector. The Cooper Union, NY. April, 23.

2020 “My Journey 2020. “My Journey Toward Open Pedagogy.” Invited speaker at the (Virtual) Summer Open Pedagogy Fellowship, Mina Rees Library (CUNY). August 11.

2019. “Breaking Open: An Open Pedagogy Symposium.” Open Pedagogy Fellow Speaker. Mina Rees Library. The Graduate Center (CUNY). Friday, May 3.

2019. “OER Showcase: Innovative Teaching with Reduced Textbook Costs.” Lunchtime Seminar participant. Academic Center for Excellence in Research and Teaching (ACERT). Hunter College (CUNY). February 28.

2018. “CUNY Humanities Alliance Graduate Student & Faculty Mentor Experience.” Roundtable discussion participant. Community College and the Future of the Humanities Conference at the Graduate Center (CUNY). March 18-19.

2018. “Teaching and Learning with New Majority Students: Lessons Learned from the CUNY Humanities Alliance.”  Speaker at the roundtable discussion hosted by the Futures Initiatives at the Graduate Center (CUNY). May 3.

2018. “What is public about our public University?” Speaker at the discussion hosted by The Center for the Humanities at The Graduate Center (CUNY). April 12.

2017. “Implementing Critical Pedagogy: Place-based and Task-based Spanish Language Learning.” Invited talk at Critical Pedagogy & Language Learning course by Professor Beatriz Lado, The Graduate Center (CUNY). December 5.


2023 “Delegitimizing Traditional Language Pedagogy: (Digital) Storytelling as a Pedagogical Tool for Spanish Language Instruction” for the Dismantling Language Ideologies and Promoting Social Justice in Higher Education Second Language Teaching symposium. Paper presented at the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), “Diversity and social cohesion in a globalized world: towards more committed language sciences,” Lyon, France. July 17-21.

2022 “Opening Language Instruction: Shaping Meaningful & Impactful (Digital) Spaces”. Beyond the classroom: Preparing Students for Real-World Engagement NERALLT Virtual Conference. October 22nd.

2022. “A Historical Overview of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish (AATS).” Paper accepted at the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL). March 19-22.

2022. “Open Digital Pedagogy beyond the (Virtual) Classroom”  for the Theory and Praxis: Digital Pedagogies working group andSpanish Readersas SocioHistorical, Linguistic, and Political Normative Artifacts.Papers accepted at the (Virtual) Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention. January 6-9.

2021. “Horizon of Possibilities: A vision for Future Paths in Language Departments.” Paper presented at the Virtual Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention. January 9-12.

2020. “Una aproximación a la historiografía de la American Association of Teachers of Spanish.” Paper presented at 49th Virtual Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO), September 24-26.

2020. “Engaging Students in Pressing Public Issues: Unpacking Language Hierarchies.” Paper presented at the Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention, Seattle. January 9-12.

2019. “Lawrence A. Wilkins: una figura glotopolítica en la profesionalización de la enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos a principios del siglo XX.” Paper presented at Cuarto Congreso Latinoamericano de Glotopolítica, La Universidad de São Paulo (USP), Brazil. September 2-4.

2019. “Actitudes e ideologías lingüísticas en la profesionalización de la enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos (1916-1940): una aproximación a los libros de texto como instrumentos lingüístico-normativos.” 2nd International Symposium on linguistic attitudes towards Spanish, Portuguese and related languages (LASSPRL II). University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts. April 12-13.

2019. “Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy: A Critical Conversation.Panel Speaker at the Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention, Chicago. January 3-5.

2018. Materiales   pedagógicos   para   la   enseñanza   del   español   en   Estados   Unidos:   transformación   y/o inmutabilidad.” Paper presented at Dynamics of (im)mobilities and discursive practices in the 21st Century. University of Bern, Switzerland. November 8-9.

2018. “Ideologías lingüísticas en los manuales de enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos durante la primera mitad del siglo XX.” Paper presented at 47th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO), Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. October 11-13.

2018. “Polémicas terminológicas – ideológicas en la prensa a ambos lados del Atlántico a principios del siglo XX.” Paper presented at 9th International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, Queens College (CUNY), NYC. April 4-7.

2018. Lights, Camera, Action! Students seizing the spotlight as producers of teaching & learning materials.” Paper presented at the Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention, New York City. January 4-7.

2017. “”Todos a una”: ideologías lingüísticas y prácticas pedagógicas en la institucionalización del español durante la creación de la American Association of Teachers of Spanish (AATS).” Paper presented at 46th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO), Las Cruces, New Mexico. October 5-7.

2017. “Re-defining Spanish as a Field of Study in United States: Language Ideologies and Pedagogical Practices at the Beginning of the 20th Century.” Paper presented at Sociolinguistics Summer School 8 – COST New Speakers Training School with Prof. Monica Heller, Prof. Xavier Vila, Prof. Joan Pujolar and Prof. Robert Lawson, Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7.

2017. “Commemoration, Return or/and Immutability: The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP).” Paper presented at Historical Sociolinguistics Network (HiSoN) Conference, NYC. April 5-7, 2017.

2017. “‘Todos a una’: Linguistic Ideologies and Teaching Practices in the Institutionalization of Spanish during the Creation of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish (AATS).” Paper presented at Forging Linguistic Identities, Towson University, Maryland. March 16-18.

2016. “Writing Proficiency of Chinese, Korean and Spanish Heritage Learners” Presentation at ACTFL (American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages), Annual Convention & World Languages Expo, Boston. November. 16-18.

2016. “La institucionalización del español a principios del siglo XX: The American Association of Teachers of Spanish.” Paper presented at Segundo Congreso Latinoamericano de Glotopolítica, Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá (Colombia). August 11-13.

2016. “Heritage Language Projects at CILC” Poster presented at the Midwest Heritage Language Summit: Fostering the Languages of Your Community, at Michigan State University, MI. April 23.


Positions Held

2023-Present. Advisory Board. Public Humanities. Cambridge University Press Open-Access journal launching in 2024.

2018-Present. Member of the Editorial Collective, Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP).

Staging Editor – Head Stager for Issue 15 and Issue 16.

Blueprints Editor.

2023-Present. Member of the Executive Committee of the forum LSL Language & Society. MLA Modern Language Association.

2019-2023. Member of the Executive Committee of the forum LSL Language Change. MLA Modern Language Association.

2013-2014. Editor in Chief of the LLJournal at the Latin America, Iberian and Latino Cultures Program, The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY

Departmental & University Service

2022-Present. Internship Coordinator. Saint Anselm College, NH.

2021-Present. Liasson with the Writing Center Tutoring Center. Saint Anselm College, NH.

2020. Member of the Website Redesign Advisory Council. The Graduate Center, CUNY (NY).

2017-2018. Member of the Humanities Alliance Steering Committee at The Graduate Center, CUNY (NY).

2017-2018. Member of the Assessment Committee at the Latin America, Iberian and Latino Cultures Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY (NY).

2017-2018. Member of the Curriculum Committee at the Latin America, Iberian and Latino Cultures Program, The Graduate Center CUNY (NY).

April 5-7, 2017. Volunteer Collaborator for the organization of the Historical Sociolinguistics Network (HiSoN) Conference, CUNY (NY).

2015-2016. Member of the Admissions Committee at the Latin America, Iberian and Latino Cultures Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY (NY).

2014-1015. Member of the 20th Annual Graduate Student Conference Committee at the Latin America, Iberian and Latino Cultures Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY (NY).

2014-2015. Executive Committee at the Latin America, Iberian and Latino Cultures Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY (NY).


MLA Modern Language Association

AAAL American Association of Applied Linguistics

LSA Linguistics Society of America

ACTFL American Council of The Teaching of Foreign Languages

LASSO Linguistic Association of the Southwest


Catalonian: Native Speaker. (Nivell Mitjà, Junta Qualificadora de Coneixements en Valencià)
Spanish: Native Speaker
English: Near Native
French: Reading proficiency
Portuguese: Reading proficiency
